ASUS deny Aura parentage


Earlier on this month those people who get quiet shivers of glee from fancy-schmancy cellphone concepts had another rendered thrill with what was said to be a design from ASUS' studios. Called the Aura, the most striking thing - aside from a deeply slender pop-out keyboard - was a sliding control bar that could be positioned at various points along the display.

The chances of seeing something like this actually make it off the drawing board and into shops are - unless were talking about Apple, perhaps - slim to none, but the nail was finally driven into its heart with the announcement that ASUS themselves have denied all knowledge of the concept.

Turns out it was made by Egy Studios, a Hungarian design company, and ASUS are making a good stab at distancing themselves from their work. Not sure why, as it caught a few admiring glances, but I guess the customer services department was getting fed up of fielding when can I buy it?! calls.
3/2/2007 7:23:37 AM

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