Samsung - D820
User Reviews 2/2

9.12.06 - 05:15am
Wel al that i can say is great great great phone

11.10.06 - 08:53am
My mobile samsung D820 starting on and off itself with out any key pressing and I cant use it .can you help me to solve this problem ,the bettery is ok ,antena is ok in some places properly working ,in some others became destroyed.

11.10.06 - 08:37am
I am using Samsun D820 for four month during the first two months was very good and worked every where very good but from the last two month I have aproblem with this seat. it is not working out side the Kabul eventhough the antena is available . In Wardak province which is next to Kabul and Roshan compani antina is available and this mobile has been worked properly with out any problem but new it became destroyed and with out any kay pressing it starting to on then became off ,themselves

4.07.06 - 07:34am
I hav a new samsung d820 n had a d500, i reckon the d820 is much much betta,but i hav 1 problem i hav no sites 2 download java games. Can sum1 help me out please

17.06.06 - 01:14am
The D820 for me is the perfect phone to replace the d600.

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+ Samsung-D820

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