10.04.08 - 01:18pm
yep gamin on this phone...its n0t for gaming...at 128x220, thats a wirrd resolution...n0 apps are made at such resolutions...but its a java 2.0...wat for?...thats an mp3player and phone 0nly,..unless apps are made at such n0n-existent resolutions...
11.10.07 - 07:14am
this phne is slim n sexy jus like me bt the java downloads n MXIT doesnt work. thats sad cn it be sorted out? if not pls make a plan. thanx
5.08.07 - 02:53pm
nice phone..but why no java downloads?standard games realv s%@t! no useful apps
19.01.07 - 10:11pm
great phone good memory good size but downfall is games
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