13.12.08 - 02:34pm
This phone is great 4 music with walkman 2.0 n da browser is super to . Da missing things are the flash n autofocus in camera . But after all diz phone is super !
6.03.08 - 10:04pm
Well,this phone is ok 4music lovers.4me,it dont all need 4 a phone.
2.03.08 - 02:51am
Its a stylish phone. But Ive used it for almost 4 months now and Im getting bored with it due to it not having a flash. But overall Its Ok:-(
8.01.08 - 04:54am
Diz fone iz v v cul its light in weight ,stylish buttons n wide range of features:-)
8.11.07 - 04:35pm
Ths phon is cool wit a very wide rnge of featres. Its almst the sam as k800i bt hs no flash. Its good 4 music lovers.
25.06.07 - 02:12am
I guess dis SE model is quite d same as K790 K800 xcept its low BIM no autofocus. But 4 pipz hu just want a better music browsing xp, dis one will dfnitely fill der crvings- ,
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