19.07.08 - 04:04pm
Sexiest cellphone evermade. Good camera 300mhz processor two times faster than any nokia N series phone.It is symbian phone so u can download any nokia application.
26.03.08 - 08:42pm
I want to buy this phone but after reading theses reviews i dont think so.
17.11.07 - 04:57am
the phones gr8 but ive had a few occasions where the phone has frozen ive had 2 remove the battery 2 rectify the problem. But overall a very good stylish phone.
28.10.07 - 07:00am
on the whole a great phone though i had probs with it crashin when no the net though voda say must be a software fault so on my second z8 now havin no prob at all yet!!
11.10.07 - 09:53pm
i have a few problems with this phone.i have problems downloading anything to this phone from my pc.also having problems downloading from the net.
26.09.07 - 11:30am
This phone is insane . i am sure i will acquire it from the moment it began to available in BD .
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