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LAN (Local Area Network) - A group of interconnected computer terminals or nodes, often co-located and managed from a single point as a single network. An example is a companys internal information sharing and managing system....
latency - From a mobile phone perspective, latency generally refers to the time that passes between when an action is requested and when it actually occurs. Examples of such are network latency and PTT latency...
LBS (Location-Based Services) - Services or applications that center around a users location in a mobile environment. Location-based services utilize location-sensitive technology, such as Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) or netw...
LCD - A liquid crystal display, typically referred to as an LCD, is a flat display technology that uses electrodes and polarizing filters to selectively enable or disable pixels of light to pass from a back...
LG - LG is a South Korean company that manufactures mobile phones, as well as other devices such as televisions and home appliances. LG originally stood for "Lucky Goldstar", but is now promoted as meanin...
Linux - Linux is a free, Open Source UNIX-like operating system developed by Linus Torvalds. It has been ported to many platforms, including mobile phones developed by Motorola and others.br/br/
Local Area Network - A Local Area Network is a network that covers a relatively small area. Typical LANs are created with Ethernet or WiFi networking connections, and typically are wholly owned by a single person, group,...
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